JUMP TOCLOVER REST APIAPI Reference overviewData types in Clover APIsPlatform APIMERCHANTSGet a single merchantgetUpdate a merchantpostGet a merchant's addressgetGet a merchant's payment gateway configurationgetGet a merchant's propertiesgetUpdate merchant propertiespostGet default service charge for a merchantgetGet a sync token (deprecated)getGet all tip suggestions for a merchantgetGet a single tip suggestiongetUpdate a single tip suggestionpostGet all order types for a merchantgetCreate Order Type For MerchantpostGet a single order typegetUpdate a single order typepostDelete an order typedeleteCreate or delete associations between order types and categoriespostReturn a list of system order typesgetGet all roles for a merchantgetCreate a rolepostGet a single rolegetUpdate a single rolepostDelete a roledeleteGet all tenders for a merchantgetAdds a new tenderpostGet a single merchant tendergetUpdates an existing tenderpostDeletes an existing tenderdeleteGet a list this merchant opening hoursgetCreate a set of merchant opening hourspostGet a specific set of merchant opening hoursgetUpdate a set of merchant opening hourspostDelete a set of merchant opening hoursdeleteGet all devices provisioned to a merchantgetGet a single device provisioned to a merchantgetCASHGet all cash eventsgetGet all cash events for an employeegetGet all cash events for a devicegetCUSTOMERSGet a list of customers in CSV formatgetGet a list of customersgetCreate a customerpostGet a single customergetUpdate a customerpostDelete a customerdeleteCreate a phone number for a customerpostUpdate a phone number for a customerpostDelete a customer phone numberdeleteCreate an email address for a customerpostUpdate an email address for a customerpostDelete a customer email addressdeleteCreate an address for a customerpostUpdate an address for a customerpostDelete a customer addressdeleteCreate a credit/debit card entry for a customerpostUpdate a credit/debit card record for a customerpostDelete a customer carddeleteCreate note, birthday, business name for a customerpostEMPLOYEESGet all employeesgetCreate an employeepostGet a single employeegetUpdate an employeepostDelete an employeedeleteGet all shiftsgetGet a single shiftgetGet .csv of all shiftsgetGet all shifts for an employeegetCreate shift for an employeepostGet a single shiftgetUpdate a single shiftpostDelete a single shiftdeleteGet all orders for an employeegetINVENTORYGet all inventory itemsgetCreate an inventory itempostDelete multiple inventory itemsdeleteGet all inventory without a revenue classgetGet a single inventory itemgetUpdate an existing inventory itempostDelete an inventory itemdeleteUpdate existing inventory itemsputCreate multiple inventory itemspostGet the stock of all inventory itemsgetGet the stock of an inventory itemgetUpdate the stock of an inventory itempostDelete the stock of an inventory itemdeleteGet all item groupsgetCreate an item grouppostGet a single item groupgetUpdate an item grouppostDelete an item groupdeleteGet all tagsgetCreate a tagpostDelete tagsdeleteGet a single taggetUpdate a single tagpostDelete a tagdeleteGet tags for a single itemgetGet all items for a single taggetGet a list of all tag to item mappingsgetCreate or delete associations between tags and itemspostGet all tax ratesgetCreate a tax rate for a merchantpostGet a single tax rategetUpdate a single tax ratepostDelete a single tax ratedeleteGet all categoriesgetCreate an item categorypostDelete categoriesdeleteGet a categorygetUpdate a categorypostDelete a single item categorydeleteUpdate the order for categories on the menu at a time, up to 1000 categories.postGet all items in a single categorygetGet all categories of a single itemgetCreate or delete associations between items and categoriespostCreate or delete association between items and tax ratespostGet items by tax rategetGet all modifier groupsgetCreate a modifier grouppostDelete modifier groupsdeleteGet a modifier groupgetUpdate a modifier grouppostDelete a modifier groupdeleteCreate or delete associations between inventory items and modifier groupspostUpdate the priorities for a collection of up to 200 modifier groups at a timepostReorder modifiers in the modifier group based on the ordering of the incoming modifier id list. Remove deleted modifiers. Add missing modifiers.putGet all items in a single modifier groupgetGet all modifiersgetGet all modifiers in a single modifier groupgetCreate a modifierpostGet a single modifiergetUpdate a single modifierpostDelete a single modifierdeleteGet all attributesgetCreate an attributepostGet a single attributegetUpdate a single attributepostDelete a single attributedeleteGet all optionsgetGet all options for an attributegetCreate an optionpostGet an attribute and option by IDgetUpdate an optionpostDelete an optiondeleteCreate or delete item/option associationpostGet all discountsgetCreate a discountpostGet a single discountgetUpdate an discountpostDelete a discountdeleteGet all tax exemption rulesgetGet an individual tax exemption rulegetNOTIFICATIONSCreate a notification for an apppostCreate a notification for a devicepostORDERSCreate an atomic orderpostCheckout an atomic orderpostGets a list of ordersgetCreate custom orderspostGet a single ordergetUpdate an orderpostDelete an orderdeleteGet all discounts for an ordergetCreate a discount on an orderpostDelete an order discountdeleteGet all line items for an ordergetCreate a new line itempostDelete all the line items in an orderdeleteGet a line itemgetUpdate a line itempostVoid a line itemdeleteCreate a discount on a line itempostDelete a discountdeleteApply a modification to a line itempostRemove a modification from a line itemdeleteCreate multiple line itemspostCreate a payment record on an orderpostApply a service charge to an orderpostRemove service charge from an orderdeleteCreate a list of voided line itemspostGet a list of line items from voided ordersgetGet summary about line items and orders which were deletedgetCreate or exchange a line itempostPAYMENTSGet all payments for an ordergetGet all authorizationsgetCreate an authorization on a PaymentpostGet a single authorizationgetUpdate an authorizationpostDelete an authorizationdeleteGet all paymentsgetGet a single paymentgetUpdate a paymentpostGet all payments under an employeegetGet all refunds for a merchantgetGet a single refundgetGet a list of credit refundsgetGet a credit refundgetAPPSGet merchant app billing informationgetGet all events for an app metered event typegetCreate an app billing metered eventpostGet an app billing metered eventgetDelete app billing metered eventdeletePRINTSubmit a print request to the merchant's default order printerpostGet a print event by its IDgetMultiple service charges (MSC) Pilot APIs(MSC Pilot) REST API IndexMSC INVENTORYGet all configured service charges for a merchantgetGet a specific configured service charge for a merchantgetMSC ORDERSGets a list of ordersgetCreate custom orderspostGet a single ordergetUpdate an orderpostDelete an orderdeleteGet all line items for an ordergetCreate a new line itempostDelete all the line items in an orderdeleteGet a line itemgetUpdate a line itempostVoid a line itemdeleteCreate a discount on a line itempostCreate multiple line itemspostGet all service charges applied to an ordergetCreate a service charge on an orderpostGet a specific service charge applied to an ordergetVoid or remove a service charge from an orderdeleteEcommerce Service APICHARGESCreate a chargepostGet chargesgetGet a chargegetCapture a chargepostCUSTOMERSCreate a card-on-file customerpostRevoke a payment sourcedeleteUpdate a customerputREFUNDSCreate a refundpostGet refunds listgetGet a refundgetORDERSGet ordersgetCreate an orderpostGet an ordergetPay for an orderpostReturn an orderpostGIFT CARDCreate and activate physical and virtual gift cardpostRequest gift card balancepostReload gift cardpostRequest cashout of gift card balancepostPAKMS Service APIKEYSRetrieve an Ecommerce API key or PAKMS keygetTokenization Service APIsTOKENSCreate a card tokenpostCreate Clover token from an external tokenpostCreate an Apple Pay tokenpostCreate an ACH tokenpostCreate a gift card tokenpostECommerce Recurring Payments APISPLANSRetrieve plansgetCreate planpostDelete a plandeleteGet plangetEdit a planputSUBSCRIPTIONSGet subscriptions under a plangetCreate subscription under a planpostDelete subscriptiondeleteGet subscriptiongetEdit a subscriptionputGet all subscriptionsgetREST Pay Display APICARDRead a card's track data using a Clover devicepostCreate a card token for use with subsequent paymentspostCREDITSSend a credit request to the Clover devicepostGet a creditgetRefund a paymentpostVoid a paymentpostRECEIPTSDeliver a credit receiptpostDisplay receipt optionspostDeliver a payment receiptpostDeliver a void receiptpostDeliver a refund receiptpostDEVICECancel any in-flight operationspostOpens the specified cash drawerpostRetrieve a list of cash drawersgetExecute a custom activitypostGet merchant devicesgetDisplay a messagepostDisplay an orderpostVerify connectivitygetVerify connectivitypostGet the status of a print jobgetPrint an imagepostPrint textpostRetrieve a list of printersgetRetrieve a list of printerspostGet a user confirmation responsepostGet a text responsepostGet a signaturepostGet a tippostResets the device and cancels any in-flight operationsputGet the device's statusgetDisplay a thank you screenpostDisplay the welcome screenpostPAYMENTSSend a payment request to a Clover devicepostGet a payment by externalPaymentIdgetGet a paymentgetCapture a pre-auth paymentpostIncrement an authorization (pre-auth)postTip adjust a paymentpostGet all line items for an orderget https://apisandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}/line_itemsReturns all line items for an order.