
Clover API updates - September 2023

Clover made the following API updates for September 2023.

Platform API


Added offset and limit parameters to the following endpoints. This lets you search your line items results with a specific limit and offset:

offset Position of the first line item returned in the search results. Indicates the number of line items that are excluded from the search results.limit Maximum number of line items returned in the search result.

Merchant API

Added offset and limit parameters to the following endpoints. This lets you search your line items results with a specific limit and offset:

offset Position of the first line item returned in the search results. Indicates the number of line items that are excluded from the search results.limit Maximum number of line items returned in the search result.

Order API

  • Updated an endpoint title name from Void a line item to the Create a list of voided line items endpoint, which was misleading to another endpoint Void a line item due to a similar name
  • Updated the state parameter definition of the Update an order endpoint for the following scenarios:
    • open or OPEN and locked - Automatically set by Clover, for example, when a line item is added to the order or a payment is taken.
    • When an order is created using REST API, Clover recommends manually setting the order state value to Open.
    • When an order is created using Android the SDK, do not manually set the order state. The value must be left empty, and Clover automatically updates the value to open and locked.
    • Null - Default value when no value is manually set. This indicates a hidden order. Hidden orders do not display on the screen but can be retrieved using the order ID.


Order API

  • Updated the required objects such as city, postal_code, and state under the shipping address parameter and amount object under the items parameter for the Create an order endpoint.
  • Added important information to customer and source parameters under the Pay for an order endpoint. Either a payment source or customer must be associated with an order for payment. If a customer is not attached to the order, then the source in this field is charged for the order.

Invoice API

Added the following information under the customer parameter in the Create checkout endpoint:

  • If the merchant uses hosted checkout with the customer information feature enabled (HCO_CUSTOMER_INFO_FEATURE_ENABLED), then it is mandatory to enter the customer’s firstname, lastname, and email address information to create a hosted checkout session. The merchant can also customize fields required on the Merchant Dashboard > Account & Setup > Hosted Checkout > Customer Information > Customize.
  • If the merchant uses hosted checkout without enabling the customer information feature, then only the customer's first name, last name, or email address is required to create a hosted checkout session.